
How to Use TRUE and FALSE Functions/ Formula in Excel with 4 Examples

Estimated reading: 4 minutes
true and false formula in excel with example

Surprisingly, many of Excel’s built-in functions are naturally conditional. They only return either TRUE or FALSE. Most Excel users like to see TRUE or FALSE as an outcome of other boolean-dependent functions. Besides, they should know Excel provides the TRUE and FALSE functions as well.

In this article, we will learn about the application of the TRUE and FALSE functions with some examples.

Syntax of TRUE and FALSE Functions


Argument of TRUE and FALSE Functions

This function doesn’t hold any arguments inside the bracket. 

Return of TRUE Function

When written in Excel, the function will either return TRUE or FALSE. The more interesting fact is that it works without any argument.

The numerical value of TRUE is 1, and similarly, FALSE is 0. So, the following operations can be done by the TRUE and FALSE functions:

4 Examples of How to Use TRUE and FALSE Formula/ Functions in Excel

Example #1: Numeral Application of TRUE and FALSE Function

As we already know, the TRUE function implies 1, and the FALSE function implies 0. So, the TRUE and FALSE functions can be used to construct any mathematical formula in an Excel sheet.

true and false formula in excel with 4 example

Example #2: Application of the TRUE and FALSE Functions with the IF Function

To understand properly, you should know the following about the IF function:

Syntax of the IF Function


The argument of the IF Function:

logic1: conditional expression, you want to evaluate

return1: the text or logical expression you want to see in return if logic1 is satisfied.

return1: the text or logical expression will be returned if  logic1 is not satisfied.

Now, let’s try this example,

Assume that several salesmen in your firm sell the same product. Then, you’ll decide whether or not to give a bonus based on the quantity sold in a month.

If you want to give a bonus to the salesperson who sold more than 800 units of product,

Just write the following formula in the output cell D4 and press Enter.


Then AutoFill the remaining cell in column D

true and false formula/function in excel with example


If the sale quantity of any salesman exceeds 800, the IF function will call the TRUE function; otherwise, the IF function will call the FLASE function.

Example #3: Counting TRUE and FALSE using the COUNTIF Function

Before starting this example, you should have the following idea about the COUNTIF function:

Syntax of COUNTIF Function

=COUNTIF(cell_range, criteria)

Argument of COUNTIF Function 

data_range: The range in the Excel sheet to be counted.

criteria: denotes the range criteria to be counted.

Let’s jump to the example,

We can also use the COUNTIF function to determine how many salesmen will receive bonuses.

use of true and false formula in excel with example

The COUNTIF function will record the frequency with which the value “TRUE” appears in column D.

Example #4: Creating a Grade sheet Ignoring Absent Students

Now we will calculate the average grade for the students based on the numbers obtained in five subjects: English, math, science, finance, and mental ability.

TRUE FALSE Function in excel Example with AND Function

We must completely ignore any student who is absent or obtains less than a 50 in any subject.

Insert the following formula in the output cell G3 and then press Enter.

=IF(AND(B3>50, C3>50, D3>50, E3>50, F3>50), SUM(B3:F3)/5, FALSE())

To see the grade for other students, AutoFill the rest cells in column G

TRUE FALSE Function in excel Example with AND


  • For Richard, marks in all subjects are greater than 50. That’s why the IF function enables the SUM function to calculate the grade.
  • But for James, one cell was kept empty, which means James was absent from that exam. So, the IF function triggers the FASLE function to return in FALSE
  • Don and John failed several subjects. So, the IF function triggers the FASLE function to return in FALSE


In conclusion, Excel’s TRUE and FALSE functions are useful for assessing logical situations, developing sophisticated logical expressions, and creating potent formulae that can aid in making judgments based on your facts. 

We hope, after reading the article, you are perfect at using the TRUE and FALSE functions in Excel. Please leave a comment if this article- How to Use TRUE and FALSE Functions/ Formula in Excel with 4 Examples– was helpful.

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